Short Syllabus -- Math 2321 Calculus 3, Section 01 -- Fall 2024
See Canvas for full syllabus and other course materials.
Text: Apex Calculus 3, Version 4.0, by Hartman, ISBN 9781719263665
Download the book for free at
Instructor: Dr. Edward Early
Office: JBWS 168C
Office Hours: T10, T1, W1 (or other times by appointment)
Home Page:
- May be withdrawn for absences (WA) with 5 absences
- Generally will not WA anyone who is keeping up and doing well
- READ AHEAD in the book to be able to participate in class
- Done online through Canvas
- Usually one question from the upcoming section so you need to read ahead
- Think about problems before watching any help videos that may be available
- Should take a couple of hours to complete each assignment, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE
- Answers available after due date
- No late work accepted (not even for athletes, illness, etc.)
- Lowest 3 grades dropped to compensate for technical difficulties and not accepting late work
- Three in-class exams, see schedule
- Traditional grading with partial credit for each exam
- Mastery grading applies to selected topics: 4 total attempts (2 in class, 2 in office hours) allowed for all-or-nothing credit, see Canvas for deadlines
- Comprehensive final exam, check Registrar's schedule for date and time
- No makeup exams after solutions are posted, final exam score may substitute for missed exam/lowest score
- Open-book group review quiz before each test
- Three Exams: 39%
- Mastery topics: 12%
- Final Exam: 24%
- Homework/Quiz: 24% (lowest 3 dropped)
- Free Point: 1%
- C (70-79) is average, B (80-89) is good, A (90-100) is exceptional
- Grades within 2.5 points of a cutoff (90, 80) will be considered for +/-. A+ is reserved for
consistently outstanding work.
Prerequisite: MATH 2414. You will be expected to remember Calculus I and II. This is a fast-paced course!